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ConsoleCalculator_1-0r2.zip Console Calculator 1.0 r2 (2021-07-17) - Yet another simple command line calculator. Lazy port of Console calculator v 1.0, yet another simple command line calculator. Compiled with IBM VisualAge C++ 3.08 and processed by lxLite. Renamed executable and an improved, shorter help screen. Compared to GCC, 4 functions are excluded. Enter no parameter to display all available functions. More than one calculation per invokation is supported, by using more than one parameter per invokation. Modified source code included. Small 32-bit and 64-bit Windows versions added, so you can use the same utility when switching to another environment. Includes binaries and source code. (console_calculator_1_0-vac-os2-r2.zip) [Detailapplication/zip 44.21 KB 2021/12/02
ConsoleCalculator_1-0r3_nl.zip Console Calculator 1.0 r3 (Dutch/Nederlands) (2021-07-17) - Yet another simple command line calculator. Lazy port of Console calculator v 1.0, yet another simple command line calculator. Compiled with IBM VisualAge C++ 3.08 and processed by lxLite. Renamed executable and an improved, shorter help screen. Compared to GCC, 4 functions are excluded. Enter no parameter to display all available functions. More than one calculation per invokation is supported, by using more than one parameter per invokation. Modified source code included. Small 32-bit and 64-bit Windows versions added, so you can use the same utility when switching to another environment. Includes binaries and source code. (console_calculator_1_0-vac-os2-r3-nl.zip) [Detailapplication/zip 44.43 KB 2022/02/03
CvtIco_2017-08-31.zip CvtIco (2017-08-31) - Command line tool that convert Windows 3.0 icons to OS/2 icons. Updated to 32-bit IBM VisualAge C++ 3.08 and processed by lxLite. Changed source code included (WORD is now an unsigned short, single C++ comment converted to a C comment). Includes binaries and source code. (cvtico2.zip) [Detailapplication/zip 30.08 KB 2021/09/26
PMFloat_2020-10-09.zip PMFloat (2020-10-09) - PMFloat, display C-numeric types in hexadecimal. Recompiled with VAC. float0c.zip with restored full OS/2 compatibility, recompiled with VAC (NMAKE should work), processed by Strippen and LxLite. Binaries and source code. (float0b.zip) [Detailapplication/zip 43.10 KB 2021/09/24
UNHTML_1996-07-19.zip UNHTML (1996-07-19) - UNHTML is a command line application that can turn an HTM file into a simple text (txt) file. Converted to IBM VAC++ 3.08, with some updates and processed by lxLite. Small 32-bit and 64-bit Windows versions added, so you can use the same utility when switching to another environment. Includes binaries and source code. Open source under the GNU GPL V2 license. (webwrite.zip) [Detailapplication/zip 195.67 KB 2021/11/23
DrMan_1-3.zip DrMan 1.3 (2012-03-16) - An OS/2 PM application to read Linux MAN & INFO files. Created with DrDialog and Rexx. A Drag and Drop enabled file reader for help files in the Linux man or info format. Extended attributes are used to save user selections for: The Last directory accessed for a man file, the window size and position, and the font selected for the window. Search within a man file for anything. Progress bar for large file loads. Separate thread processing for faster access to first section of text. NEW THIS VERSION: Notes can be "attached" to INFO file nodes, A new file is created with the same name as the info file, with a file type of INFONOTE, and kept in the same directory. Notes are created with an internal editor, and can be added, changed, or deleted.The new filetype is based on the info file structure, and can be viewed by itself. (drman-1.3.zip) [Detailapplication/zip 265.48 KB 2021/06/22
pipepatch.zip Patch for CMD.EXE to use reasonable large pipe buffers. - This patch will increase the pipe buffer size of pipes instantiated with the pipe operator | of CMD.EXE from 512 bytes to 65024 bytes (by default). This will significantly improove the throughput and reduce the CPU load. In fact it reduces the minimum number of task swiches per megabyte from 4096 to about 33. [Detailapplication/zip 4.10 KB 2006/05/30
lxLite_1-3-9-6.zip lxLite 1.3.9-6 - This package provides lxLite packer. A utility that compresses and de-compresses executables in the Linear Executable (LX) format that is native to OS/2, that includes .EXE, .DLL, .PDR, .FON, .QPR, .DRV, .VDD and .SYS files. (lxlite-1_3_9-6_oc00.zip) [Detailapplication/zip 195.96 KB 2021/07/01
lxlite-ecs12r2.zip LxLite for eCS 1.2 - lxLite for eCs 1.2. Allah knows why, but apparently LxLite is required to operate an eCS 2.x system. Documentation included. Perhaps first rename the existing UNLOCK.EXE to UNLOCK.BAK, and next extract this package in the root directory of the clean bootdrive of eCS 1.2. The eCS 1.2 directory structure may be compatible with other versions of eCS 1 too, but I cannot confirm that. Re-uploaded, because some unqiualified idiot still is executing the selfish programme to get rid of eCS 1.2 users, this time by randomly trying to delete an eCS 1.2 OS upgrade package. O well, apparently it's still a problem that the community is too large. [Detailapplication/zip 316.50 KB 2021/07/03
packvxrx_2001-10-04.zip packvxrx (2001-10-04) - Fix+pack Watcom VX-Rexx executables. Fixes LxLite compressed Watcom VX-Rexx executables and reduce filesize by removing precompiled token images. Includes binaries and source code. (packvxrx.zip) [Detailapplication/zip 59.35 KB 2022/10/22
djvu2pnm_1-1r2.zip DDjVu to PNM 1.1 R2 (2017-04-09) - djvutopnm from DjVu 2.2 Reference Library. A DjVu (image format) to PNM converter compiled for OS/2. Improved DjView.CMD with more checks and HPFS/JFS compatibility. lxLited DjVu2PNM.EXE. Unofficial, untested release. Open source under the GNU GPL license. (djvu2pnm11.zip) [Detailapplication/zip 192.04 KB 2022/03/05
ToLower_1-1.zip ToLower 1.1 (2023-06-29) - Converts all qualifying filenames to lowercase. Converts all qualifying filenames in current working directory, or files matching a specified directory of file, to a-z lowercase filenames (source included). Restored OS/2-compatibility. But still broken, because the same modified file(name) can be processed twice. Modified universal, renamed MAKEFILE with lxLite for NMAKE, OS/2 icon added, a new clear warning if directory is empty, formatted output, improved error messages, exception handling, no embedded debug code, the last file shouldn't be displayed more than once, int's replaced by portable size_t's, unused lines and/or C++ comments removed, processing modified, and recompiled with IBM VAC++ v3.08. New: support for dropping a WPS file object or a WPS folder object, by introducing an argument. Processing all files in the current directory still is the default. Includes binaries and source code. [Detailapplication/zip 9.06 KB 2023/06/28
CallDOS_2019-07-20.zip CallDOS (2019-07-20) - OS/2 utility to call DOS. OS/2 CMD.EXE utility to call DOS. Originally CALDOS.ZIP, cleaned up, recompiled with IBM VAC 3.08, and processed by lxLite. Includes binaries and source code. (calldos.zip) [Detailapplication/zip 20.54 KB 2022/05/23