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KSoftSeq_1-1-1.zip K SOFT SEQuencer 1.1.1 (2021-05-22) - ksoftseq is a Media Control Driver(MCD) to play a midiprograms. ksoftseq enables you to play a midi file on OS/2 without any external programs. (ksoftseq-1.1.1.zip) [Detailapplication/zip 191.47 KB 2021/10/03
ksoftseq-1.1.2.zip ksoftseq v1.1.2 - ksoftseq v1.1.2k soft sequencer(ksoftseq) is a media control driver(mcd) to play a midifile without any external programs. [Detailapplication/zip 196.18 KB 2022/01/13
ksoftseq-1.1.3.zip ksoftseq v1.1.3 - ksoftseq v1.1.3k soft sequencer(ksoftseq) is a media control driver(mcd) to play a midifile without any external programs. [Detailapplication/zip 191.06 KB 2023/10/28
libkai-2.2.1.zip libkai v2.2.1 - K Audio Interface v2.2.1.dart/uniaud implementation library.* built with gcc v9.2.0(rpm)`DART error(xxxx):Multiple defined.' error at startupDead-lock in dartStop()Dead-lock when calling kaiClose() in MCI_CLOSE of MCDsuch as ksoftseq(#11)A default audio is not detected correctly even if it changes.(ksoftseq#12)* added a server mode- now, audio devices can be shared among all the programs usinglibkai v2.2.0+- kaisrv.exe should be running\path\to\kaisrv.exe to your config.sys+ use -q option to quit kaisrv.exe- kaimixer*() apis do not share audio devices even in a server mode- set kai_noserver to any value to disable a server mode* added kaigetcardcount() to query the number of installed audio cards* added a device index support in soft mixer mode* added kaicapsex() to query the capability of the given device index* added kai_mixerrate#, # is a device index, for a device-specific samplingrate. for example, kai_mixerrate3 is a sampling rate for the 3rd audiodevice* added kai_minsamples#, # is a device index, for [Detailapplication/zip 291.34 KB 2023/10/28