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NameDescriptionTypeUpload Date
lcss-0-7-8.wpi Logical ConfigSys Sort - This program sorts CONFIG.SYS in a logical way, so that people, as well asa machine, can read it.various updates - see the readme. [Detailapplication/wpi 21.11 KB 2023-09-10
lcss-0-7-9.wpi Logical ConfigSys Sort - This program sorts CONFIG.SYS in a logical way, so that people, as well asa machine, can read it.various updates - see the readme. [Detailapplication/wpi 21.12 KB 2023-12-10
lcss-0-8-0.wpi Logical ConfigSys Sort - This program sorts CONFIG.SYS in a logical way, so that people, as well as a machine, can read it. Various updates - see the README. [Detailapplication/wpi 21.14 KB 2024-02-16
lcss-0-8-1.wpi Logical ConfigSys Sort - This program sorts CONFIG.SYS in a logical way, so that people, as well as a machine, can read it. Various updates - see the README. [Detailapplication/wpi 21.24 KB 2024-03-07